Fixing A Leak In Your Home

Fixing A Leak In Your Home

If you have noticed that one of your pipes has cracked or that there is a wet patch on one of your walls, it is vital that you deal with it immediately because the problem can be a lot worse than you think it is. A wet patch on your wall may not cause any alarm bells to ring for you but the truth is that it can be extremely dangerous because the leak can cause the wet patch to grow without your knowledge and without visual signs and cause your walls to become electrically charged if the wetness reaches an electrical line. For this reason, it is vital that you fix any wet patches in your wall immediately without delay. People usually wait too long because they dismiss the problem but this can be very dangerous.

Call in a professional

The first thing you will need to do of course is to turn off any main water lines that lead to the broken pipe. In fact, if your house has a main line that turns off all water, you can switch this off too until help has arrived. After you have done this, you will need to call in a professional to come in and fix the broken pipe for you. However, if you have pipe repair clamps and some knowledge about water pipes, you might even be able to fix the problem yourself if it a less serious problem.

You might also need to have swing check valves depending on the exact problem. If you have basic knowledge in the subject, it may not be all that difficult to fix yourself however, if you know nothing about the subject, you should consider waiting until help has arrived because you could end up making the problem worse.

If your floor is flooded with the water that leaked from the broken pipe earlier on, it is important that you mop it all up and leave it dry because the water from the floor will still be able to seep in to your walls if you leave it be, even if you have turned off your main waterlines. You should also turn off your main electrical lines to prevent the electricity getting shorted in case the water has already reached an area where the electrical lines are. It might be an inconvenience however, this move can certainly work to save your life because there have been instances when people, especially small children have died from simply touching a wet wall and getting electrocuted.

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